The lagoon system was constructed in the late 1950’s, and the Alameda West Lagoon Home Owner’s Association (“AWLHOA”) was created in the mid-1960’s.  The original Agreement with the City of Alameda for shared lagoon maintenance also dates to the 1960’s.

The original 1960’s Agreement with the City of Alameda was revised in April 2017.  The AWLHOA Bylaws were amended and restated in 2014.  In 2016, the AWLHOA Conditions, Covenants, and Restrictions (“CC&Rs”) were restated but not amended.  AWLHOA is subject to California’s Davis-Stirling Act governing Common Interest Developments enacted in 1985 and comprehensively reorganized and re-codified in 2012.

With a few exceptions, membership in AWLHOA is limited to South Shore homeowners.  North Shore ownership pre-dates the creation of AWLHOA, and the owners of homes along the North Shore are not AWLHOA members except for a few properties that were constructed after the lagoon system was built and AWLHOA established.

AWLHOA is a volunteer organization overseen by a Board of Directors.  Directors serve 3-year terms and must be AWLHOA Members in good standing.  Directors and other volunteers receive no compensation.

AWLHOA Property Management Services are provided by
Management.  Common Interest Management Services
315 Diablo Rd, Danville, CO 94526
phone: 925-743-3080 ext 220
fax:  925-743-3084.